
  • How long before my order arrives?

    Based on the Shipping Speed you selected your order will be delivered in it’s window, Standard Shipping (5-7 Business Days), You also have the choice of purchasing Expedited Shipping (2 Business Days) and Priority Shipping (1 Business Day). Sometimes you won’t see your order processed with a Stan...
  • How much is shipping?

    Our shipping fees are flat-rate meaning they will be the same price no matter where it is shipped to and the pricing is as follows: Standard Shipping (5-7 Business Days): $4.95 Expedited Shipping (2-4 Business days): $7.95 Priority Shipping (1-2 Business Days): $12.95 We do also offer free St...
  • My order hasn’t shipped yet, can I add an item to it?

    Sorry, we don’t store credit card data (for your security). You’ll have to place a second order for that missing item.